My name is Sandy Miller, and I was born in the UK in a place called Grimsby. From a young age sport has been a really big part of my life, even influencing what I studied at university (Physical Education, Sports Science and Mathematics).
After university I knew that I wanted to teach, but I also knew that I did not want to be in a traditional school setting, so I headed to Scotland for a year to gain experience and qualifications in outdoor pursuits. This is where my love of the mountains really blossomed.
For a few years after this I lived a fairly peripatetic lifestyle, with winters spent ski instructing in the Alps and the summers freelancing as an outdoor pursuits instructor, and manager, for companies throughout the UK.
In 2007 I married Emma (who is Swedish), and since 2009 we have been settled in the Verbier valley.
We now have 2 young daughters, Matilda (born 2013) and Sofia (born 2015), and introducing them to the mountains, and all the wonderful and fun experiences that they can give you, is really special.
Aside from looking after Matilda and Sofia, and getting out into the mountains, I love to read, knit and crochet hats, and when time allows in the evening to relax on the sofa and watch a film.
I am a highly qualified, experienced and enthusiastic mountain professional, and I am passionate about helping people get the most out of their time in the mountains.​
As a ski instructor I hold the Brevet Federal International Equivalence and IASI Level 4, and for hiking and trail running I am a UIMLA International Mountain Leader. These are all the highest qualifications of their type. I also hold the Fell / Trail Leadership in Running Fitness qualification, as well as a degree in Physical education, Sports Science and Mathematics from Loughborough University.
I started skiing at the age of 15 on a school trip, and I loved it right from the start. Over the years my focuses within skiing have adapted and grown, but my love for the sport has not changed.
These days I spend a lot of my time on skis teaching and sharing my love of the sport, which is a fantastic privilege and something that I would never take for granted.
Aside from teaching I love to spend my time on skis either off-piste (especially touring when time allows), or exploring the mountain with my family.
Since 2001 I have been teaching, training, leading and managing people in the mountains, both in summer and winter. I have worked with a very wide range of client groups in terms of just about every possible variable, and I have helped to organise, implement and manage a number of different outdoor and ski based projects. In total I have spent over 20 years teaching people to ski, and leading people in the mountains.
I have also spent a lot of time coaching people towards their own qualifications, in particular as the coach on a GAP course for 8 winters training people for their BASI levels 1 and 2. Other qualifications that I have helped people train towards include the Summer Mountain Leader, the ISIA Mountain Safety and the European Mountain Safety.
I have been hiking since I was very young, with the first summit I remember reaching being Snowdon when I was 6 years old (via the Pyg Track). It was also about this time that I started being sent out for runs with my brother down the country lane where we lived. As such running and the mountains have been in my life for a long time, but even after such a long time I still love them both.
​About 20 years ago I discovered mountain running while I was living in the Lake District, and since then it has been one of my favourite sports. Since being in the Alps this love has led me into sky and ultra running, and racing.